As you are aware your decision to marry is one of the most important and far reaching ones you will ever make in life. It is a decision to live a shared life. We believe it is also a decision that is blessed by God. The wedding ceremony celebrates your love and the love of God who brought you together. So we in the church have a real interest in you and your life together. We want to support you in the decision you have made.
Please make an appointment to see the Parish Priest on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday between 8:30am and 2:00pm at the Community Centre Office which is beside the Church in Nambour. Alternatively meet with your own local Parish Priest. It is particularly important that you take part in some form of pre-marriage education. It is one of the requirements of marriage in the churches in our Deanery that couples first of all participate in one such program. Most couples find them helpful and an enjoyable experience. Please return your completed pre-wedding information forms (one per person) and also provide to the parish office:
You can download a pre-wedding information form via the blue buttons (one for each person). Information about Pre-Marriage education programs conducted by Centacare can be found HERE. Wedding Liturgy - A guide to preparing the Wedding Liturgy can be found on the Smart Loving website: Wedding Liturgy Planner. There are many other resources available from the Smart Loving website. What is Marriage in the Catholic Tradition? Look up information about Marriage on the website of Catholic Australia: Marriage. Other Information Contact details about Church decorations, music and booklets can be downloaded via the Wedding Requirements button. Marriage Annulments Information from the Marriage Tribunal regarding Marriage Annulments in the Catholic Church can be downloaded on this PDF file: Marriage annulment |
St Joseph's Catholic Parish
Embracing Nambour, Kenilworth, Palmwoods, Yandina and Bli Bli |